Delivery Options

1. The item will be picked up from the supplier's location.
Upon transaction completion the supplier's location will be provided for free local pick-up.

2. The item will be delivered to your location.
The shipping is free nationwide. If you are located in the same state with the supplier, you will receive your item in the same day you "Buy it now" the item. If you are located in a different state, picking and delivering your merchandise to your location will vary depending on the shippers terms and distance and you will receive the item within 2-3 business days.

Contact our logistic department after winning an auction in order to get an estimated shipping quote.
We also provide and handle all of the necessary paperwork to make things as streamlined and convenient as possible for you.

If an user would like to have items shipped to a different address, further written documentation will be required.

If you prefer to pick up your items in person, here are 5 things to remember:
- Upon transaction completion the supplier's exact location will be provided for free local pick-up.
- Schedule pick-up during normal business hours.
- Have ready the invoice from us (after you "Buy it Now" the item, you will get the invoice and you must print it).
- Loading is first-come, first-served.
- Flatbed trucks are recommended for safe transportation of your vehicles.